If you feel like God is far away,
ask yourself “who moved?”

CRC CHURCH: About Our Christian Addiction Treatment

Located in Palm Beach County, Florida, CRC Church program provides compassionate, faith-based for clients battling alcohol and substance addiction. What can you expect when you enroll in our Christian facility? In addition to receiving comprehensive counseling and life skills training, you’ll begin to see yourself and your addiction through the eyes of Christ.

Why Choose Faith-Based for Your Recovery Journey?

At CRC Church, we go beyond traditional techniques and address the spiritual needs of our clients.

Consider the following benefits of a quality faith-based center:

  • The freedom of submission: Many of our clients come to us after trying to take charge of their own addiction. At CRC Church, we teach clients that submitting to God’s will brings the healing and freedom they’ve been unable to achieve and that Christ can help make an addiction-free life attainable.
  • Scripture and prayer support: Christian uses the Bible and prayer as essential recovery tools. If you’re a Bible beginner, CRC Church will teach you the importance of God’s word. By submersing yourself in the scriptures, you’ll begin to see the healthy plans God has for you.
  • Christian counseling support: At CRC Church, our team can help you begin to unpack the reasons behind your addiction and provide you with the tools and support you need to seek God’s best life for you.

Many facilities can help you overcome the physical symptoms of drug addiction, but Christian centers help heal your spirit and teach you to walk closer with Jesus as you achieve freedom from alcohol and drugs. Struggling to reclaim your life? Call CRC Church today.