If you feel like God is far away,
ask yourself “who moved?”

Reasons to Choose a Christian Facility

If you’re an alcoholic or drug addict struggling to reclaim your life, it is important choose a Christian facility. Christian programs like CRC Church are successful because they help you put Biblical principles to work in your battle against substance abuse. In addition to providing daily counseling along with a faith-based approach that begins and ends with God’s forgiveness, healing and restoration.

Benefits of Christian Treatment Centers

Clients battling addiction find many advantages to Christian alcohol and drug facilities. They include:

  • A sense of community: Just as Hebrews 10:24 and 25 tells us to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds,” CRC Church strives to provide residents with an environment of Christian fellowship and support. This sense of Christian community is integral in helping clients overcome the darkest moments of pain and addiction.
  • The presence of God: For most clients, recovery comes through a restored connection to Jesus using church services, Christian counseling, Biblical workshops and life skills seminars, the team at CRC Church can help you find God for the first time or return to Him after wandering away.
  • Personal faith growth: In addition to helping you embrace sobriety and transform your existence, CRC Church’s staff want to help with your personal faith journey. Through worship and classes, you’ll grow closer to the Creator by learning to apply Jesus’ teachings to everyday life.
  • Achieving self forgiveness: The Bible tells us that when we confess our sins, God is faithful in forgiving us and cleansing us of all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). Christian facilities are designed to help us embrace that forgiveness while learning to forgive ourselves, as well.

Recognizing that God is the catalyst for permanent change, Christian drug  programs teach clients to put biblical principles into practice in their daily lives. Recovering addicts at faith based will learn Christ-like attitudes to confront day-to-day stresses instead of resorting to drugs or alcohol. No matter where you are in your battle against addiction, Christian staff members are ready to meet and walk with you on the journey to lifelong sobriety. Christian drug facilities help you let go of past hurts and hang-ups and be renewed by God’s love and grace to live a new meaningful life.

Interested in finding out more about our Christian treatment center? Call CRC Church today.